Gary Hadelmayer
D-MAX LS-M - Crew Cab
Molonglo Gorge, ACT
Event Attended
Which event did you attend?
I attended the Molonglo Gorge 4x4 I-Venture club event.
What did you think of the Location's terrain?
I found the terrain challenging, but enjoyed the experience.
What was your motivation to attend this event?
I wanted to learn more about the capabilities of the D-MAX and to put my off-roading skills to the test.
What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event?
The most valuable thing I took away was to be as slow as possible and as fast as necessary when required.
How do you feel about your off-road knowledge now that you've attended an I-Venture Club event?
I feel a lot more confident, not only in myself, but also in the D-MAX's capabilities to take me wherever I need to go.
Where is your favourite off-road location?
My favourite off-road location is the Blue Mountains National Park.
Where do you plan on taking your vehicle in the future?
I would really like to explore more of the country and embark on a lap around Australia in 2023.
Professional accounts from those in the know who've attended I-Venture Club events.
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