D-MAX 4x4 LS-U Crew Cab Ute
Flinders Ranges, SA
Event Attended
Which event did you attend?
SA - Flinders Ranges
What did you think of the Location's terrain?
There were some fantastic rock climbs, dips and traverses that not only challenged my vehicle, but my own mentality to tackle these obstacles.
What was your motivation to attend this event?
Catching up with Dad and doing a father son trip as we live on opposite sides of the country.
What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event?
The most valuable lesson learnt was to be confident when driving off-road. Whether it's on the sandy beaches of Western Australia, or climbing the rocky ledges in the Flinders Ranges - knowing your vehicle and how to use your safety gear is the key to success.
How do you feel about your off-road knowledge now that you've attended an I-Venture Club event?
The guys from the IVC team teach you so much about your vehicle and its abilities; as well as some great self-recovery techniques, how important tyre pressure is, speed and vehicle load. This training package game me confidence in the way I drive.
Where is your favourite off-road location?
Lancelin Sand Dunes and Beaches are my favourite close to home. Although I do have to say the Flinders Ranges was epic and well worth the drive!
Where do you plan on taking your vehicle in the future?
All over this great country!
Professional accounts from those in the know who've attended I-Venture Club events.
Non-genuine aftermarket accessories and modifications featured are not recommended or endorsed by Isuzu UTE Australia, as the modification or accessories may impact the New Vehicle Warranty. For detailed information on ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’ covered by the Manufacturer's Warranty please refer to the Warranty and Service Booklet.